The VersaTrax was designed to enter confined spaces exactly like the pressure vessel seen in this trial. In approximately two hours, it traversed the full interior collecting the visual data required to achieve the fundamental goal of providing a permanent record of inspection by means of a digital twin. This was accomplished by stitching all the images together to produce a 3D rendering, i.e. visual data was the sole source used to replicate the impressive model.

As demonstrated in the following video, a 3D model removes all the guesswork for analysts. This model contains all visual information, so rather than viewing a static report with a single image of a defect —without contextual or locational information on where that damage mechanism is— engineers can use the images taken to render a 3D object. The benefits from increased Probability of Detection (PoD) with perpetual access to this and the ability to re-visit at any time are obvious. Furthermore, this photogrammetric approach facilitates faster inspection and analysis of results with greater confidence in data. Ultimately, we are creating something that lasts forever and allows an asset owner or decision maker to step into their asset, see and manipulate for themselves data on a level that could not be provided or absorbed with snapshots in a static report.
With Eddyfi Technologies’ complementary product portfolio, we can provide a full solution for applications like vessel inspection. With Inuktun robotic crawlers able to collect visual data internally, our automated scanner solutions paired with the Gekko® portable phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) instrument can gather all PAUT data from the external surface. Beyond vessels, consider the Sonyks™ (formerly known as the Focus™+) for comprehensive pipeline assessments. Through guided wave UT, technicians can highlight areas of interest and wrap that data around a 3D model created with contextual visual data from an Eddyfi Technologies robot. By adding an NDT device to our remotely operated crawlers, we’re breaking down barriers and offering a full solution not available anywhere else.

Contact our NDT experts today to discuss your asset integrity assessments that could undoubtedly benefit from a digital twin and stay Beyond Current.