Cast Austenitic Stainless Steels, or CASS, are commonly used in critical components and infrastructure subject to extreme temperatures due to their resilient nature, thanks to chromium which also provides high corrosion resistance. CASS is desirable by manufacturers because it is easily formed while maintaining maximum strength. Given its flexible nature, the benefits of CASS to the aerospace, power generation and nuclear, oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors are plentiful. However, parts made from cast austenitic stainless steels are still vulnerable to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in circumstances where they have inadequate corrosion protection.
Regular non-destructive testing (NDT) can help monitor the structural integrity of critical CASS components, but this has historically proven challenging with conventional ultrasonics. What’s the deal? Comprised of a coarse grain microstructure, CASS is a pliable anisotropic material that interferes with the ultrasonic beam waves resulting in backscatter that skews defect detection with traditional ultrasonic testing (UT). You’ve seen how fast Eddyfi Technologies delivers new features, R&D, and product advancements. We made no exception with our phased array probes paired with a state-of-the-art data acquisition system to remarkably improve UT for CASS mechanisms and infrastructure.
The M2M Gekko® is the leading-edge flaw detector employing Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), UT, Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD) and Total Focusing Method (TFM) through a streamlined user interface called Capture™. Gekko launched real-time TFM in 2013 and has continued to evolve as the advanced portable PAUT unit that makes difficult inspections like those of cast austenitic stainless steels not only feasible but also faster and easier. Gekko was designed for the comprehensive volumetric inspection of SCC and other defects found in CASS assets like storage tanks, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pipelines, aircraft and spacecraft, plus more. TFM offers improved spatial resolution and dead zone sensitivity to probe positioning so that stress corrosion cracking is more easily detectable with TFM imaging up to 128 elements, real-time adaptive TFM (ATFM) and an embedded TFM toolbox including time corrected gain (TCG) calibration for dual probes. This is especially relevant to CASS inspection.
The use of dual probes, Dual Linear (DLA) and Dual Matrix Arrays (DMA), in Transmit-Receive-Longitudinal (TRL) wave mode combats disruptions from cast austenitic stainless steels. The intuitive Capture software interface and assisted configurations enable optimized detection and characterization in austenitic alloy welds with optimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and Probability of Detection (PoD), while minimizing potential operator error. Capture offers a DMA/DLA interface that provides detailed beam profile simulations. Operators setup and configure linear, DLA and DMA probes with smart three-click calibration wizards for straightforward data collection and easy interpretation. Offered in 64:64 and 64:128 configurations, Gekko delivers improved focusing and better detection with more elements.
Tried, tested and true, Gekko offers multiple benefits:
- Increased accuracy with high-resolution imaging
- Advanced defect analysis with TFM
- Robust field use design with high battery autonomy
- Easy setup with embedded scan plans for even the most complex geometry
- Software designed to suit inspector requirements.
Are you collecting all the information you need? When it comes to purchasing a PAUT/TFM instrument, you want to make the right choice for years to come, not just today. By opting for Eddyfi Technologies’ M2M Gekko, you’re making sure you will have the ultimate highest performing instrument for years to come. Stay Beyond Current and contact our experts to learn more about our advanced phased array ultrasonic testing flaw detector perfect for cast austenitic stainless steel inspection applications today.