Guy Maes

Guy Maes

GUY MAES is a Solution Development Expert PA UT at Eddyfi Technologies, since January 2022. Previously, he has been working as Sales Director, Product Manager and UT Applications Manager at Zetec and R/D Tech, since June 2000. He is an Engineer with a Masters Degree in Applied Physics from Brussels University in Belgium. He has been involved in advanced UT method development and implementation, capability assessment, and software development since more than 30 years. Before working for a UT equipment vendor, he has worked more than 10 years for an NDE inspection vendor in Belgium, where his last assignment was the management and the on-site supervision of projects in automated / advanced NDE in both the nuclear and the conventional industry.

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Make Space for Multi-Layered Pressure Vessel Inspection Solution for NASA

May 24, 2022 | By Guy Maes
Updated November 08, 2023

Topics: Aerospace, Vessels, Phased Array & Conventional Ultrasonics, Welding Defects