If you’re a nondestructive testing (NDT) inspector, you need to trust that you are collecting the most complete dataset while staying on time – especially when it comes to the structural integrity assessment of capital assets commonly found in the power generation, chemical and petroleum industries.
Take pressure vessels, for example. Pressure vessel inspection is critical given the potentially severe operating conditions. Evaluating the vessel’s mechanical integrity includes examining butt welds and the nozzles penetrating the shell and/or head. With prescribed methods for assessment from ASME, API and ISO, determining fitness for service is a comprehensive process that leaves no room to miss consequential data. The integrity of a pressure vessel is particularly susceptible to cracking, corrosion and local thinning in the nozzle region. Given its complicated geometry, the examination of pressure vessel nozzle-to-shell welds has traditionally been a challenging and time-consuming process limited to fragmented data collection and best assumptions. If given the option to not only accurately detect as many flaws as possible, but to do so more quickly, can you imagine anyone who would decline?
Eddyfi Technologies developed the M2M Gekko™ to provide nondestructive evaluation (NDE) inspectors and technicians with the peace of mind that they’re collecting repeatable, actionable, meaningful and preventative data efficiently. Originally launched in 2013, the Gekko made an industry breakthrough with its offering of embedded real-time Total Focusing Method (TFM), beam forming phased array and conventional technology all powered by a modern, intuitive software interface, Capture™. With a corporate mandate to always remain beyond current, we are pleased to introduce an innovative Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) solution directly applicable to efficiencies in pressure vessel nozzle inspection.
In fact, we’ve designed a nozzle inspection application within Capture that reduces risk of error while making inspections easier and faster. A three-click calibration tool allows operators to define key characteristics that enable reliable nozzle-to-shell weld evaluation. A key variable for recording in spaces like nozzle geometry, 3-axis encoding allows for creating a compelling view. Full volumetric inspection is achieved with the data encoded along the three different axes from the various angles from both the nozzle and vessel sides. Gekko produces an on-screen component with calculated cross-sections of the nozzle overlay in real-time, superimposed into a sectorial scan. See what we’re talking about here. There’s no question where the probe and any indications are located. With a matrix array probe, inspection of circumferential and radial defects can be performed simultaneously. Real-time overlay of the nozzle applied to the phased-array data produces better results faster; the Gekko enables inspectors to get the job well done – with confidence.
Pressure vessel nozzle inspection is a highly complex application, but the opportunities for gaining inspection efficiencies with the Gekko are seemingly endless. Subscribe to Eddyfi Technologies’ blog to stay informed of all the latest product news, tech tips, and industry knowledge.
Ready to learn more about getting your inspection job done better and faster? Contact our friendly and knowledgeable team about M2M Gekko™, the complete field-proven flaw detector unit, today!