Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Paul is the Director, Technologies at Eddyfi Technologies Inc. Within this role he is responsible for a several products within Eddyfi’s portfolio for detection of corrosion in pipes and structures. These include the Sonyks Guided Wave Testing equipment for detection of corrosion in pipelines and the Sensor Networks fully wireless, non instrusive, intrinsic safe installed Ultrasonic sensors for monitoring wall thickness data for critical infrastructure. Paul has been working within technology in the oil and gas industry for nearly 25 years and has been responsible for all aspects of product and general management during that time.

Recent Posts

How Sonyks™ Enhances Guided Wave Inspections: Speed, Productivity, and Simplified Reporting

July 02, 2024 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Guided Wave Ultrasonics

A Cool Solution for Cold Temperature Pipeline Inspection

November 03, 2020 | By Paul Jackson
Updated May 06, 2024

Topics: Corrosion, Cracks, Energy, Power Generation, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines

How Sonyks™ Software Continues To Keep Operators Beyond Current

March 26, 2024 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Corrosion, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines

Maximizing Offshore Integrity Assessments While Minimizing Marine Growth Removal Requirements

April 25, 2023 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Energy, Offshore & Subsea, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Offshore

The One For All: Sonyks Software Version 1.1

February 07, 2023 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipeline Integrity Threats

The Case for Caisson Inspection with Sonyks™

February 27, 2020 | By Paul Jackson
Updated October 25, 2022

Topics: Offshore & Subsea, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics

The Applicability of Medium Range Ultrasonic Testing for Inspecting Small Diameter Pipe Supports

August 09, 2022 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Corrosion, Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) and Fireproofing, Energy, Phased Array & Conventional Ultrasonics, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines, Pipeline Integrity Threats

How Guided Wave Testing Fits into a Pipeline Inspection Program

September 14, 2021 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Corrosion, Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) and Fireproofing, Energy, Power Generation, Offshore & Subsea, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines

Best Case Scenario for Bestobell Seal Inspection

July 28, 2020 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Corrosion, Offshore & Subsea, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines

Demos that Go the Distance, Just like Teletest Technology

July 02, 2020 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines

Cut Class with New Guided Wave Training Course

April 28, 2020 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Corrosion, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines

Certifiably Better Technicians with Guided Wave Training Course | Eddyfi

January 28, 2020 | By Paul Jackson

Topics: Corrosion, Teletest, Guided Wave Ultrasonics, Pipelines