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When demonstrating guided wave testing with prospective customers using Sonyks™, we are frequently asked what sets this technology apart from other equipment on the market. This question can be challenging to answer concisely, especially for technical specialists who might delve into details like full matrix capture/broadband data collection, the ability to use both Magnetostrictive and Piezo transducer tools, or the intuitive on-screen software display. 

However, the most significant advantage of Sonyks is not its technical features but its impact on productivity and reporting—areas crucial for inspection companies and end-users alike. 

A close-up of a Sonyks device

Unmatched Speed of Inspection 

Sonyks stands out for its unparalleled speed of inspection. The unique data collection method employed by Sonyks means that data collection takes seconds rather than minutes, significantly reducing inspection time. This rapid data collection, combined with the portability of the instrument and transducer tool, allows for easy movement between locations, further enhancing productivity. 

Enhanced Productivity Beyond Site Time 

Productivity in guided wave testing is not just about the time spent onsite. The primary goal of an inspection is to deliver a detailed report of the findings. Traditionally, this has been a pain point for inspectors, managers, and end-users. Equipment manufacturers often did not streamline the reporting process, particularly when dealing with multiple pipes and locations. Compiling final reports that clearly match the scope of work and show the coverage included within the inspection could sometimes take as long as the inspection itself. 


Simplified and Efficient Reporting 

Eddyfi Technologies has significantly improved this aspect with Sonyks. Inspectors can effectively report as they go during the inspection, thanks to the software's project-based setup. This modern approach replaces the older location-based methods, allowing all pipes and locations to be included in one file. Inspectors can choose which locations to add to the report as they proceed, using a single datum for the entire pipe to ensure clear reporting of coverage. 

Once the inspection is complete and the inspector has demobilized from the site, generating the multilocation report becomes straightforward. The report includes all pipes and locations automatically, requiring only the completion of some simple fields, a peer review, and then sending it to the client. This process should take no more than a few hours, regardless of the inspection's scope. 

A sample report, showcasing the detailed and quick reporting capabilities, can be viewed here.

Sonyks PDF ReportCustomizable Reporting Options 

Customers sometimes prefer a basic summary of the inspection results. Sonyks software makes it easy to select the relevant sections the customer wants, such as a follow-up table, providing flexibility in the reporting process. 

Continuous Improvement and Customer Feedback 

The feedback from customers has been excellent. Recently, we further improved the template by incorporating better pipeline coverage reporting and a simple isometric drawing. This highlights how Eddyfi Technologies continues to listen to customers and innovate with purpose, ensuring that we produce best-in-class products. See how Sonyks™ continues to keep users Beyond Current here. 

Shop our entire guided wave testing offering online. Prefer to chat with an industry expert? Contact us for answers to your questions.