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Casper Wassink

Casper Wassink

Dr. Ir. Casper Wassink is a Senior Technology Advisor who joined Eddyfi Technologies in 2018. His main role is representing Eddyfi in standard and industry committees. He has extensive experience with the R&D and deployment of many advanced NDT methods, including TFM/FMC, Phased Array UT, Digital RT, Pulse Eddy Current Testing and Guided Wave UT. Before working at Eddyfi, he worked at Applus RTD for many years, lastly as Chief Scientist. Casper Wassink is an engineer, physicist and innovator. Casper holds an engineering degree in Applied Physics and obtained a PhD on the subject of Innovation in Non-Destructive Testing from Delft University of Technology. His vision for Non-Destructive Testing includes the notion that the data provided by NDT should be sufficient for making engineering decisions.

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August 04, 2021 | By Casper Wassink

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