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The phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) market has seen remarkable advancements over the past few years with the development and widespread adoption of advanced focusing techniques like total focusing method (TFM) and phase coherence imaging (PCI). While significant attention has been given to the hardware and software aspects of PAUT solutions, it’s crucial to remember that the quality of the probe used is equally, if not more, important for the overall quality of the inspection. A high-quality probe can significantly enhance the performance of an inspection system, whereas even the most sophisticated system cannot compensate for a subpar probe. This blog will guide you through the essential aspects of selecting the right PAUT probe for your inspection needs.

Understanding the Basics: Eddyfi Technologies’ Standard Probes 

Eddyfi Technologies offers a diverse catalog of conventional and phased array probes, readily available in various sizes and frequencies to suit different inspection scenarios. These probes are essential for non-destructive testing (NDT) companies, providing reliable examinations for a wide range of applications, including carbon steel welds and corrosion inspections. By standardizing these probes, Eddyfi Technologies ensures that the most popular models, such as A10, A11, A12, A15, A31, and A32, are readily available for quick delivery. Additionally, these probes are compatible with other manufacturers’ wedges, offering flexibility and convenience for inspectors.

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Download PAUT Probe catalog

Tackling Unique Inspection Challenges

Standard probes are not always sufficient for every inspection scenario. For challenging materials like austenitic stainless steel, or complex damage mechanisms such as high temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA), creep, or stress corrosion cracking (SCC), customized solutions may be necessary. Eddyfi Technologies excels in providing tailored probes to address these specific challenges, ensuring optimal detection and sizing capabilities.

Customization Options

  1. Custom Cable Lengths: Sometimes a simple modification such as a custom cable length is required for remote inspections using robotic inspection crawlers.
  2. Adapted Casing Designs: Custom casing designs can overcome specific access limitations, ensuring that the probe fits perfectly into the inspection environment.
  3. Acoustic Design Adjustments: Modifying the acoustic design, such as adjusting the nominal frequency of a standard probe, can yield better results for particular material types.
  4. Full Custom Designs: In some cases, starting from scratch and designing a completely new probe model is necessary to solve a unique inspection challenge. This involves a comprehensive design process to develop a solution tailored to the customer’s needs.


PAUT Probe with Text

See how our PAUT solutions have solved real-world inspection challenges. Explore our application notes for detailed insights.

The Sound Choice for Precision: PAUT Probes by Eddyfi Technologies

Eddyfi Technologies’ UT and PAUT probes are crafted with meticulous attention to detail at our facility in State College, Pennsylvania, USA. Using state-of-the-art equipment and software, our probe experts collaborate closely with customers to develop probes that meet the most challenging inspection requirements. From design to final certification, every step of the manufacturing process is handled in-house, ensuring the highest quality, or Beyond Current, standards.

Check out this must-see webinar on PAUT probe development: From the Inspection Challenge Identification to the Final Product.

Advanced Manufacturing Techniques

The piezocomposite material used in Eddyfi’s PAUT probes is custom-made for each probe model. The fabrication process involves precision cuts on piezoelectric material, with gaps —smaller than the thickness of a human hair— filled with epoxy and the base ceramic removed. Both sides are then covered with electrodes and undergo a polarizing process. By controlling the piezocomposite fabrication process in-house, Eddyfi Technologies maintains full oversight of all critical aspects of custom probes, unlike relying on external vendors.

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Fabrication process of a 2-2 Piezoelectric composite

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Fabrication process of a 1-3 Piezoelectric composite

Rigorous Certification and Warranty

To ensure our PAUT probes meet stringent quality standards, they are certified according to ISO 18563-2 and ASTM E2904. We also offer a standard 12-month workmanship warranty, providing our customers with peace of mind.

Ready to elevate your inspections? Get access to instant pricing on the Eddyfi eStore.

Eddyfi Technologies: Your One-Stop PAUT Shop

By offering comprehensive ultrasonic testing solutions, Eddyfi Technologies guarantees that inspectors will achieve the best possible quality inspection results with ease of deployment. Whether your inspection needs are straightforward or highly complex, Eddyfi Technologies is your trusted partner for PAUT probes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you overcome your most challenging inspection requirements.

The Sound Choice for Precision - PAUT Probes